Back to Game Dev?

It has been quite a while since I last made a game...

More than 5 months to be exact! Throughout this period, I had some challenging times, which all stemmed from my burnout back in January. I had quit using most social media platforms from January to March, simply because I finally decided to take a break from many things, not just game development. Of course, I had other responsibilities to take care of - work and studies. However, I thought of them as immovable pieces of my life, and they did not get in my way of having more time for taking breaks.

Besides that, during this period, I had some previous projects to take care of too, which to this day are actively being used, such as Leaderboard Creator and Unity Twitch Chat Interactions! Those do require maintenance every once in a while, so I had to step in sometimes to update those tools or help someone out in the community.

Around March and April I had started several attempts at making my way back into game development, by trying to make something, be it for a jam or just for fun, but I came to no avail, and found myself always getting stuck along the way of making a game.

During May, however, things began to change and I finally got more free time since I got a summer break. I want to thank my dearest friend, comrade, developer, artist, musician, voice actor... (we can keep on going) Pxl Dev who helped me a lot in snapping me back on the grid of game development. As of writing this, I realized that there are actually many people who encouraged me to continue (but to remember to take time for breaks when necessary!) including several game developers from Team Melon and my other fellow friends...

So, if you are reading this, then - THANK YOU! And I mean it.

Now, what's next?

Only time will tell... 👀 but I am planning to work on more games and projects alike, and perhaps.. even get back to YouTube!

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