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(1 edit)

Hi there! I love your tool, I used it for a couple of jams and it is very easy to implement <3 I referenced you in my itch page.

I only have one question, I'm using v2.8 since may 2024. But there are everyday several periods of 20-40min where the leaderbords won't respond, always from 21.00-22.00 CET, even trying to open them from here (leaderboard-creator) it says "Internal server error". Is it a known issue that you are fixing on the 3.0 or do you know that this is happening?

I mean it is free so no problem, and I also managed those cases from the games, so you can play them without leaderboard, but it's a pitty when some player tells me that couldn't open the game :(


how to show my game leaderboard in page ?

In leaderboard we can upload user's Names but isn't there anyway to upload user's profile pics
I mean I saw a variable named Extra but when send my string (basically a base64 string converted from a sprite) but the problem is that the characters of that string are more than 700 but the allowed amount of characters of that Extra variable is 100
I have tried reducing the quality of that sprite and convert it to jpeg instead of png but still the characters are more than 100 
What should I do in this case any ideas?

You should not be storing the full sprite in string, you should create some kind of ID for a sprite in a scriptableObject or something and save that in the extras. I created a little class that helps me store data in a single string in a KvP way, hope it helps:

public class SingleStringKvP
    private readonly Dictionary<string, string> _kvPairs = new();
        private const char PairSeparator = ';';
    private const char KeyValueSeparator = ':';
        public SingleStringKvP(string startingValue)
    public SingleStringKvP()
        public void AddValue(string key, string value)
        _kvPairs[key] = value;
        public string GetValue(string key)
        return _kvPairs.TryGetValue(key, out var value) ? value : string.Empty;
        public override string ToString()
        var builder = new StringBuilder();
        foreach (var kvp in _kvPairs)
            if (builder.Length > 0)
        return builder.ToString();
        private void Parse(string startingValue)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(startingValue)) return;
        var pairs = startingValue.Split(PairSeparator);
        foreach (var pair in pairs)
            var kv = pair.Split(KeyValueSeparator);
            if (kv.Length == 2)
                var key = kv[0];
                var value = kv[1];
                AddValue(key, value);

Hey devs :) 

if you use GODOT, it will also work! 

I didn't find tutorials online, so I decided to make one. Here you can find the gist: Simple leaderboard in Godot

I will be working on the devlog soon, please let me know in the comments for gist what you want to see in it :)

Also, if you want to secure your leaderboard in Unity to verify that the entries are coming from the game itself and not from POST requests, I've made a devlog describing exactly that:

Hacking Leaderboard like a PRO


Absolutely love this tool :)


Thank you! Found this by your yt video and it was really helpful. Very easy to use and that 1 minute video gives almost all the explanation you need.

Hey, great plugin! I recently published my game, which uses this plugin, and some of my players encountered an issue where their new high scores are not available on the leaderboard. I'm asking here because I read the documentation and couldn't find anything about this. Here is my code :

    void CheckLeaderBoardUpdate() {

        if(GD.BestScore > 0) {

            Leaderboards.MainLeaderBoard.GetPersonalEntry(entry => {

                if (entry.Score != GD.BestScore) {

                    UploadEntry(Leaderboards.MainLeaderBoard, GD.BestScore);


                if (entry.Score == GD.BestScore) {

                    InfoText.text = entry.Score.ToString() + " : record sync";


            }, error => {

                InfoText.text = "error";





    public void UploadEntry(LeaderboardReference leaderboard, int score) {

        if (GD.PlayerName != null && GD.PlayerName.Length > 0) {

            leaderboard.UploadNewEntry(GD.PlayerName, score, isSuccess => {

                InfoText.text = "New record uploaded";




The players who encountered this bug are already in the leaderboard, and their GD.playerName is not null.

I hope you can help me !


Hi guys, hope you're fine.

Is there a possibility to automatically clear all entries in the leaderboard?

(1 edit)

When I try to create a new leaderboard I get an error

A page embedded in says

abort("both async and sync fetching of the wasm failed") at Error at jsStackTrace (



at stackTrace (



at abort (



at getBinary (






Very nice plugin.
I have a problem though, I ticked "ascending order" by accident and now my leaderboard is reversed and I don't know how to get it back in a descending order. Can someone help me ?

Yes, you have to click on "Ascending order" again. It is a toggleable checkbox. Once you click it, a green text will appear "Sorting order has been updated successfully!", and the checkbox is unchecked like it used to be.

Thanks for your asnwer, I already tried that though. It just stays in ascending order. I waant it to be in descending order like it was before.


Thank you so much for your tool. I have additional questions that are not outlined in the docs:

1. How many scores can be submitted to the board in total?

2. When the max submittable scores are reached, what happens when you submit a new one, what happens with the old scores?

3. How is the unique-user-identifier for the user made? Does it read the smartphone-ID (which would mean the user would have to grant necessary permission)?

4. Is there a chance of collision between user identifiers?

Things I have found out myself:
Username character limit is 127 (visible in the source code).

(2 edits)

hm for some reason in my project everytime i upload an entry with the same name  it gets duplicated. my userguid is always changing?
upd: nevermind, i kinda fixed it

Thanks for the great tool!

how did you manage to upload multiple entry in the same account


You saved my Jam, for Real!! <3

is there a way to implement this in a game not using unity?

Yes, feel free to reach out to me for other possible integrations.

(2 edits) (+1)

Just want to report what I believe might be a bug:

I uploaded a score of around 11000 with the name "D" using one device, then, while testing something, I uninstalled my game and reinstalled it. Uploaded a new score of 13000 with the reinstalled app, and it added a new score to the list (I assume it has a new ID now that the game was reinstalled). So, I had two scores of "D" in my list, instead of the first one being overwritten. That was fair enough.

So, I come on here and edited the 11000 scorer's name to "B". When I clicked ok (the "check/tick" button), the 13000 score was edited too: the score was changed to 11000 (though the names remained as I put them). I ended up with two scores of 11000, with the names "B" and "D", even though I never edited the other one.

How come this happened? I assumed the ID would've changed if a new entry had been added instead of overwritten, after I reinstalled the game.


Hey Silver Fang, I will look into the issue, thanks for notifying about it.

It also happens if I try to delete the "duplicate" entry. I had two scores, from the same device, with the same "D" name: one at 20k pts, the other at 11kpts. I deleted the 11k pts one, and the other ones score changed to 11k.


Is it possible to embed a full leaderboard into a webpage?

Yes, using:

I mean, in a way where the leaderboard in the webpage will update in sync with the one in the game?


How do i reset the leaderboard ? if there is any option?

There is unfortunately currently no option to reset a leaderboard.


Wow. Got it working instantly. Incredible work.


is there a way of autodeleting entries that haven't been updated in a while?

No, but you can filter entries by date and time.


How to check for unique names to ensure there are no duplicates? Which function should I call?

Your best bet is to handle the error upon submitting an error, which will return a callback responding with a descriptive error message.


hey, great Leaderboard man but everything works on the editor but not when i run it on real deveice ?

Hey, there must have been some connection error.


how do i get the lowest rank in my leaderboard so i can only load my scene if my score is greater the the lowest rank otherwise it bypasses it?


Something along the lines of this...

void GetAllEntries() {
    isAscending: true,             
    callback: OnEntriesLoaded(is passed a list of "Entry")
    errorCallback: OnError(is passed a string with error)
void OnEntriesLoaded(Entry[] entries) {
  if (yourScore > entries[0]) {
void OnError(string error) {

How to use the IsMine() function to search for the Player's own score in the list? I get errors whenever I try to use it, saying "Entry does not contains a definition for IsMine".

I just want to be able to access the player's personal rank without any errors coming up. Once I've done that, I feel I can handle the rest from there with what I want to do (displaying the rank, etc).

Hey, could you show me how you're attempting to use the IsMine method?


I followed this tutorial video to implement the scoreboard:

But I'm not displaying the scores, only loading the scoreboard, because I don't want my game to display them all, just the player's personal score. So, I haven't included the loops shown in the video, just the function, and an empty version of the "LeaderboardCreator.GetLeaderboard" condition.

At present, I just have the function showing the top three scores, for the sake of testing, but my next step is to access the player's personal score and display that (which I'll then use to get the scores ranked directly above and below it).

So far, the condition looks like this:

LeaderboardCreator.GetLeaderboard(publicLeaderboardKey, ((msg) =>



            rank1text.text = "#" + msg[1].Rank.ToString();     //Set the highest displayed rank

            rank1nameText.text = msg[1].Username;       //Set the highest displayed rank's name

            rank1scoreText.text = msg[1].Score.ToString();       //Set the highest displayed rank's score

            rank2text.text = "#" + msg[2].Rank.ToString();     //Set the middle displayed rank

            rank2nameText.text = msg[2].Username;       //Set the middle displayed rank's name

            rank2scoreText.text = msg[2].Score.ToString();       //Set the middle displayed rank's score

            rank3text.text = "#" + msg[3].Rank.ToString();     //Set the lowest displayed rank

            rank3nameText.text = msg[3].Username;       //Set the lowest displayed rank's name

            rank3scoreText.text = msg[3].Score.ToString();       //Set the lowest displayed rank's score

            //bool isMine = msg.IsMine();


            //Debug.Log(LeaderboardCreator.GetPersonalEntry(publicLeaderboardKey, Whatever goes in here));


You can see lines I've commented out. These were my attempts to use IsMine() and GetPersonalEntry, but every attempt gave me an error.

(2 edits)

Anyhow, I don't think it's the GetMine() method I need, it's the GetPersonalEntry() method. Took me a while, but I finally figured out how to use it.

Incidentally, is there a boolean I can call if the Leaderboard fails to load? I.e. if the player is offline. I just want to use it to display a message if the leaderboard fails to load (I see that the servers for it go down frequently as well).

Hey there, Silver Fang, every function has an optional callback which will return the error message whenever an error occurs, please see the documentation:

I mean, to convert it into a boolean within my own script? So I can add something like:

if (loadFail == true)


Here's an example usage:


I'm seeing that V2 will be replaced by V3 soon. If I were to download V2 and set it up in my game now, will I have to change everything when a V3 update is required?

Just figuring out if it's worth me practicing with V2 now, or just waiting for V3.


Hey Silver Fang!

You could still use V2, the process to switch over to V3 will not be complicated


I cant copy the public key for some reason does anyone have the same issue?

Deleted 202 days ago

Same, it's been an issue for a little while, the browser makes that happen. The way around is to open the browser console with F12 and there, when you click, copy the key, you'll see it, and you can copy it from there. I hope it helps! Works for me perfectly :)

Thank you man , that helped a lot

glad to hear! 

(1 edit)

This will be fixed soon!

Edit: this has been resolved.

(2 edits) (+1)

what im doing is letting the user choose his name when the he opens the app, and the leaderboard updates after every game with the highscore. how can i make it so that the user cant choose a name that already exists in the leaderboard? For example lets say he decides on "Bot" and that name already is in the leaderboard, i want it to say "Username already exists choose another" or something.


took a while but i fixed it!

Love this leaderboard thank you for your work!!

(1 edit) (+2)

I really like this tool and use it for everything but can you fix the issue of the server going offline frequently? cause I really wanna keep using this

Sorry, the servers experience crashes sometimes, but I am working on fixing this!


The page here doesn't allow me to actually view or manage the leaderboard. I can use the leaderboard in the game, but when I come here to manage it, it says not found.


Sorry, the servers experience crashes sometimes, which is probably why the leaderboards return a status of not found, but I am working on fixing this!


HEY GUYS! What is the special price I need to pay to get the advanced functions? Thank you:D!

Advanced Leaderboards have been moved to Leaderboard Creator V3, now available in early access:


I can't get the score to update, the username does update normally. Even if I hard code values like this:

public void UploadEntry(string username, int score) {            Leaderboards.FlappyBirdClone.UploadNewEntry("asdasd", 99, isSuccessful => { if (isSuccessful) { Debug.Log(score);
 GetLeaderboard(); } });

my username becomes asdasd but score does not become 99

Hey SurocIsMe!

Is the score over 99? It's important to mention that if the score is above 99, it won't be changed. However, this would work the other way around, if the "Ascending Order" toggle is turned on.


Hey Daniel,

First, I want to thank you for this great tool.
Second, I added a leaderboard to one of my mobile games using this asset and I would like to to have access to the Advanced Leaderboard.
Would this possible now?


Me too! Above it says to pay the special price but I dont know what it isl...

Hey guys, sorry for the late response.

Advanced Leaderboards have been moved to Leaderboard Creator V3, now available in early access:


When I try to load, it says failed to connect to server. Is this just me? Or is the server just down for a moment?

Never mind, it's back, guess it doesn't matter either way now!

well i have the same error. When i add existing leaderboard it adds empty board and when i click on manage it gives server errror.

Yeah this thing just keeps going down then back up intermittently. I hope this is just affecting me, but if not that’s unfortunate.

Sorry guys, the servers experience crashes sometimes.


Hello, I really enjoy using your tool. I want to report that it doesn't allow me to upload scores any more. If I upload an entry (username + score), only the username gets uploaded and has a static variable score of 99 for some reason.


Hey SurocIsMe!

Please familiarize yourself with how the leaderboard entries work:


Hi! i found it Great! , i can use in my comercial game?

Hello Shadownildo!

Yes you can!


great tools. copy doesnot work and cant copy key but no problem i am smart.

Hey Santos!

Due to a new browser policy copying to clipboard became broken on some browsers and I am working on fixing it (there may not be a way to fix this 💀). As a temporary workaround, I made the keys appear on top of the Unity view, so you will be able to copy the keys from there for now. The keys are alternatively printed in the developer console, so you can copy them from there.


i cant copy the keys ?


Hey ip7_i!

Due to a new browser policy copying to clipboard became broken on some browsers and I am working on fixing it. As a temporary workaround, I made the keys appear on top of the Unity view, so you will be able to copy the keys from there for now. The keys are alternatively printed in the developer console, so you can copy them from there.


Hi, is there a way to dynamically create a new leaderboard with code or do you have to use the tool?


Hello snon200!

You may only create leaderboards manually through the tool.

(1 edit) (+1)

this tool helps my game to be better but my servers Suddenly disappeared in dashboard


Hello BestStadio!

It it important that you save your leaderboards' secret keys because they are only stored in the browser's cache upon creation, and could be deleted when you erase your browser's data.

(1 edit) (+1)

Nice asset. Is there a self-hosted version of the score server side of this asset available? or are you only making it available as a Software-as-a-service API

(1 edit)

Hey geoffc!

For now, it's a SaaS API.



Is there a way to allow negative scores? When I try and pass through negative scores Unity gives me a console error. I have an idea for a work around on my end but was wondering if there's a spot in your scripts that I could tweak to allow for negative values....

Hey dambotron!

Unfortunately to your case, the score is and should be a positive number, but all you need to do on your end is offset the resulting scores by subtracting them.

Gotcha. Thanks! I am having another issue that the score always updates as 1, regardless of what I submit. I followed your video tutorial and don't seem to see any issues on my end. Any idea what might be happening here?

It might be because your leaderboard is set to sort in ascending order, meaning the lowest score will be saved if you submit a higher score.


There are times when I play and I get this error "[LeaderboardCreator] Not Found" and if I have my leaderboard loaded, how can I fix that?

Hello SaraCastro132!

This is a global issue, and I assure you I am working on fixing this.

Thank you very much for creating this wonderful tool, I am sure you will solve them

And sometimes I having this other problem "

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